Fatloss4idiots is a diet that is based on calorie cycling. It cannot be simply classified as low carb or low calorie since you eat a variety of foods each day.
Fatloos4idiots does help you lose a significant amount of weight in a short time. It has very easy to understand information. There are no complicated recipes to follow and you know exactly what you are supposed to eat each day.
This weight loss program has no calorie counting and no "points" It is really very simple. The basic principles of this program are:
- Eat at least four small meals a day.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
- Switch from proteins one day to carbs another day.
- Stay on the diet for 11 days and then have 3 days to eat what you want.
- Eat until you feel satisfied but not overly full.
This program is great for those that need to lose a few pounds in a hurry such as for a wedding, class reunion, the holidays etc. If you want to stay on it long term, you can, but I will warn you the foods can become pretty boring after a while.
The Fatloss4idiots program is worth a try. It is only $39 which is pretty cheap compared to other diet programs out there. The sales page is pretty awesome so you need to check it out.
Visit Fatloss4idiots
Any diet that claims to help you lose "11 pounds every nine days" is a ridiculous waste of money. The simple truth is weight loss is achieved by consuming less calories than you expend. Want real advice? Talk to a registered dietitian, like me. I have a degree in nutrition and years of experience.
I appreciate your input and I realize that this program goes against what is taught conventionally. However this program also teaches you how to by making healthy food choices.
It also tells you the importance of exercise to burn off the calories and to stop eating when you start to feel full.
The purpose behind the diet is a pyschological. When you start to see the pounds coming off you stay motivated to continue.
Face it, conventional diets don't work for someone who is obese and seeing a weight loss of only a pound a week. Obesity is a pychological condition as well as a physical condition.
This program will also give you great advice on how to maintain the weight loss once you get it off.
If you have not purchased the program or looked over it in any detail with a somewhat "open" mind then making a generalized statement about how it is a waste of money is not an objective informed statement.
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